Monday 30 June 2014

Home sweet home

So I am back home in Cornwall after a rather hectic week in London for New Designers, it was an amazing experience and I met some great people and made some good contacts. 
I was really happy to find a letter with my work from New Designers saying that they liked my work and inviting me to apply for 1 year on next year.

I will share some of the amazing makers I met in the next few days 


Thursday 12 June 2014


So I haven't been very active on here, where does time go?
I handed my final module in at the end of May, then I had to prepare for a presentation about my work. After that I think we were meant to relax. I forgot! I've been working (my normal day job), spending some time in my workshop, making and have squeezed in some time at the gym!

Well, here is my work all handed in