Monday 12 January 2015


So I've had quite a busy December, making for some craft fairs I attended and making some commissions as well as working full time and preparing for Christmas. I never seem to have time to update my website or blog so I have decided to no longer keep this blog going, I will instead try to update my Facebook page and twitter more often as I feel it would be more beneficial to me and the people that like my page.

Tuesday 14 October 2014

New Work

These past couple of weeks I have been concentrating on raising and making small, wearable vessels. Today I finished 2 bracelets, the first one has 3 bands which I have hammered to give texture. I have then attached the tiny vessel using a ring which also holds the 3 bands in place.

Close up of the vessel

The second is only one band using a thicker piece of silver, I have hammered it to shape and flatten certain parts to give it an interesting look. This one also has a tiny vessel attached.

I have really enjoyed making these and getting back in to raising, I will be continuing along this path and in the next few weeks I will be making more as well as designing some larger vessels like my previous condiment sets.

Wednesday 6 August 2014

Time flies!

Where has July gone? Time has really flown by since new designers. It has been a strange month, with no more uni I have been working more and not really making, the need for regular money coming in has pushed making to one side. I have now sorted a fairly regular working pattern if that's possible with shift work and will now be able to do 2 or even 3 days in the workshop a week. This makes me feel better. 

I have made a start with some simple earrings, here they are, nearly finished 

I have also been out and about looking for inspiration, there are a lot of seed pods around and really interesting forms, I do live visiting the gardens in Cornwall.

So I am looking forward to getting back into the workshop next week. 
Right now however I am on the way to the airport, as I am off to Rome today :-) very excited :-)

Monday 30 June 2014

Home sweet home

So I am back home in Cornwall after a rather hectic week in London for New Designers, it was an amazing experience and I met some great people and made some good contacts. 
I was really happy to find a letter with my work from New Designers saying that they liked my work and inviting me to apply for 1 year on next year.

I will share some of the amazing makers I met in the next few days 


Thursday 12 June 2014


So I haven't been very active on here, where does time go?
I handed my final module in at the end of May, then I had to prepare for a presentation about my work. After that I think we were meant to relax. I forgot! I've been working (my normal day job), spending some time in my workshop, making and have squeezed in some time at the gym!

Well, here is my work all handed in

Tuesday 6 May 2014

Oh well!

So I haven't posted for a while as I have been really busy making. With only 8 workshop days left I'm putting everything I can in to the final pieces. Unfortunately today my bowl I was raising developed some air bubbles, after a chat with my tutors they think it could be caused by contamination. There's no fixing it so it will have to be abandoned. This makes me sad yet quite relieved, one less thing to be worrying about! Will post some new pictures soon :-)

Thursday 10 April 2014


I'm a little behind in my making at the moment as I had a few issues when raising the silver, I have only ever made one tiny silver bowl so I'm learning how far I can push the silver when raising. So a few holes and splits and a little frustration later I have 2 almost finished bowls.